« A world leader in unique technologies and dispersed catalyst for heavy oil upgrading. »
Founded in 1943 as Hydrocarbon Research Inc., HTI’s long history of developing leading-edge heavy oil conversion and clean coal technologies has established the company as a world leader in hydroprocessing (hydrogen-addition upgrading) technologies. HTI’s technologies have been licensed and are in use, at the commercial scale, at several international locations. This accomplishment could not have been possible without the capabilities of the Commercial Support in Lawrenceville, New Jersey.
HTI’s unique people and resources
- Technology-Based Commercialization Specialists
- Most employees with 15-30 years’ energy/chemicals experience
- Demonstrated understanding of scale-up from R&D to “real world” projects
- Hands-on engineering, design and operational experience
ISO Certifications
ISO 9001:2015 – Lawrenceville, NJ
ISO 45001:2018 – Lawrenceville, NJ